Treasure Truth #2 Work to Eat
As believers in Christ we are to pursue a life that is worthy of our faith. When we were saved by the blood of Jesus and given His Holy Spirit we were given the knowledge of what it means to live rightly and the ability to do so. Part of our call to righteous living is to build one another up and live in good fellowship with God. He died so that we could actually experience real living. Real life is found in living in step with Christ.
He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need.
-Ephesians 4:28
Work is a Product of Faith
One of the ways we are instructed to practically live rightly is to put off our old self, our old ways. Stealing is an example of an act that is contrary to righteous living. It is a practice that is done by those who do not know God and have become hard hearted to a life of godliness. When we work we work as to the Lord, and not just for ourselves but for the benefit of His body, building up one another and giving to those in need.
What is the purpose of work?
We were created to work. Adam in the very beginning was placed in the garden to work and keep it, and Eve was created as his helpmeet. If left too idle it’s natural to feel as though we’re wasting our time or not being used.
But what if we began to take on work as a privilege. A privilege to be the light to the world, to do everything we do for God’s glory and remind ourselves that we benefit from the efforts as we provide for our families and help others in need.
One of the greatest needs we are able to cover by working is a basic necessity of life, food. When God opens the door to provide, step through it on purpose and with gratitude. Not only will you experience blessings from God but He can use you to be a blessing to others.
For the believer who once stole, as they put off their old self and put on their new identity in Christ they live a selfless life. Where they once focused on what they could take, they operate in the opposite, a life of generosity.
Hard Work is a Testimony
Work provides us the opportunity to live a life that testifies to God’s goodness and provision. It allows us to care for the needs of our families and rest in God’s provision. Work then allows us to look beyond ourselves and share with those in need. We can look at our sisters and brothers in the body of Christ and care for His bride by sharing what God has gifted us. We can look to anyone in need around us and find opportunities to be helpful when it’s in our ability to do so. We can love God and love others not in lip service alone, saying in words we care, but become a shining example of a life that is fully content in God to a world that is looking.
It’s natural for us to have our needs met and always find reasons to reward ourselves and our own families alone. But as new creations God gives us a new heart. We understand the eternal reality of a life where all needs are met, all disappointments are gone, and all we could ever want is filled. The only life of contentment that can ever fully be experienced is a life hidden in Christ and secure in Him. Because we have everything we could ever want, when we are given anything let’s consider how God has blessed us and how we can best use it for those around us.
More Like Christ
Have you ever considered that God gave you something so that it could reach someone else?
Work shapes us to be more like Christ
Real life is found in living in step with Christ. Work is a practice that is willingly pursued by the believer and shows a new heart and a life of godliness that is in fellowship with Him. We are growing into the body of Christ with every obedient action. Somehow in God’s wisdom He has given us this privilege and through it we become more like our creator. Understand that ultimately God is doing a work within us so we can experience our true identity. The abundant life in this life is a life lived with Christ as His hands and feet to a world in desperate need of hope and light. As we live in fellowship with Him we experience what we were created for.